As we live in a world in which diversity is a fundamental feature of every society, we believe students should learn in an environment that mirrors this reality. We challenge, motivate, educate and support each child to achieve to their fullest potential socially, emotionally and academically in accordance with their individual abilities and learning styles. And we act and interact with empathy, embracing and recognising the contributions of each individual to our entire community.
How and when does Learning Support engage with parents?
From initial identification through to ongoing programmatic intervention, it is vital to have an open and collaborative partnership between parents, HKA faculty, and students. Our goal is to create a holistic plan in support of each child which is regularly reviewed and updated to reflect student progress and areas of growth.
How are tiers of support determined?
At Hong Kong Academy, each decision about student support is anchored in a data-based approach. We evaluate from a range of sources including formal and informal assessments, in-class performance, and response to targeted intervention.
All this is shared with the family in an effort to work in partnership to outline an appropriate path forward.
The school will review progress regularly. Based on what we know about the child, the school reserves the right to make further recommendations of support or therapies to a student’s programme of study or recommended external assessments.
What is an International Individualised Learning Plan (IILP)?
An International Individualised Learning Plan (IILP) is developed for each student in Learner Support. These plans include long and short term goals that are identified based on academic, cognitive, behavioural and/or therapeutic expectations for each individual. The plans will include classroom accommodations or modifications where appropriate, as well as strategies that will support that child’s access and success within the learning environment. The additional personnel or resources required will also be part of this document. The IILP is the road map for the student’s learner support experience within the broader school context. The plan is reviewed quarterly and adjusted to meet the changing needs of each student.
What are the different tiers of support?
Hong Kong Academy offers eight tiers of support varying from curriculum coaching to more intense intervention. These levels range from neurotypical students without specified support (Tier 1) to students that need 60% or more of their day directly supported (Tier 8).
As the tier of intervention increases, so do the hours required to provide that tier of support. Based on the tier of intervention, HKA can scale the investment of learning support professionals and additional teacher time. This is how learning support fees are determined and invoiced.
How long does a child receive learning support?
Students with learning differences vary significantly based on the type of need, the child’s ability levels, and the amount of support required. Each semester, the tier of support for every student is reviewed by the Child Study Team. Some interventions support a gap in curriculum understanding and are relatively short in duration. Others address fundamental cognitive and/or developmental areas, in which case learner support could remain a part of a child’s ongoing educational journey.
When you or your child first engage with the Learner Support team, our professionals can estimate the time horizon needed to address the specific education needs faced. When a programme from Learner Support is deemed necessary for a child’s progress in the curriculum, participation is mandatory for a student to remain enrolled at Hong Kong Academy.
What support is available for exceptionally able students?
A student who is exceptionally able is someone identified by professionally qualified individuals as having outstanding talent. These individuals show the potential for performing at remarkably high levels of accomplishment, in one or more domains, when compared with other students of a similar age, experience, or environment.
Students in this range may require educational programmes or services beyond those normally provided by the regular school programme in order to realise their full potential. Learner Support interventions for students identified as exceptionally able are developed by the Child Study Team and will require commitments of additional teaching hours.
What is learner support?
At Hong Kong Academy, Learner Support meets the needs of a wide range of students with unique learning requirements. We provide support at multiple tiers, working with learners who are not fully accessing the curriculum or in a specific area of development, through to children diagnosed with moderate to severe neuro-development differences.
We also offer support options for exceptionally able learners, as well as those requiring more intense English language instruction, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, and other identified learning needs.
Learner support is tailored to a wide range of needs, including specific cognitive and academic support, social or behavioural difficulties, general delays in cognitive and social functioning, language acquisition and/or development, physical or sensory challenges, and advanced cognitive development.