THE Building blocks of learning

At HKA, the curriculum is designed to encourage students to make connections and apply skills across a variety of contexts. At every grade level, students are invited to develop their conceptual understanding through the exploration of developmentally-appropriate issues and ideas. Our teachers use external standards and benchmarks alongside International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IB PYP) planning frameworks to create grade level expectations and develop units of instruction. Students also gain meaningful and significant entry points into understanding the world around them through guided access to digital media that represent a wide range of perspectives.
Primary Years students engage in rich and complex thinking during dedicated mathematics and literacy lessons, with the progression of learning clearly articulated across each grade level. As they weave their knowledge and understanding in these areas into their explorations within each IB PYP unit of inquiry, students have an opportunity to actively strengthen and apply their thinking as mathematicians and communicators.
Our specialist programmes are designed to further enhance this integrated approach. In visual arts, music, literacy information technology (library), technology, physical education and Mandarin, Primary Years students are able to develop complementary skill sets that equip them for their learning journeys to come.