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+852 2655 1118

Professional learning

As an innovative and future-focussed school, HKA develops robust programmes and exemplifies best practice.

A culture of professional learning is embedded into the ethos of HKA, ensuring that students, parents, faculty and staff all benefit from the school's commitment to continued growth and its position at the forefront of education.

We offer weekly professional learning to our own faculty as well as a variety of educational workshop opportunities to our own and visiting faculty. Educational workshops are led by faculty and visiting experts, review what is coming up and book your seat through this page.

For inquiries please email Kitty Lau

UPCOMING Workshops


weekly Professional learning

We know that students learn best when their teachers are given the time and resources to continue their own learning. On-campus professional learning workshops are attended by all faculty every Wednesday afternoon. We design the programme to promote strategic initiatives as well as to inspire creativity and innovation in the classroom. Workshops are delivered by in-house knowledge experts, we also invite renowned educational leaders into school to work with us on curricular and strategic development.

Advancing global education

HKA is committed to and invests in the advancement of global education. Our leadership serve on regional and global volunteer boards to champion sports, global citizenship, inclusive education and the performing arts. Faculty are regularly invited to present at conferences in Hong Kong and internationally, and  deliver training with organisations such as PTC, IB, Thinking Collaborative an d Compass Education. Hong Kong Academy also acts as a teacher training centre for PGCE and newly licensed teachers. 


International IB School in Hong Kong

33 Wai Man Road, Sai Kung, New Territories, Hong Kong SAR
香港學堂國際學校  新界西貢惠民路33號
+852 2655 1111

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